Mission For The Urban Poor
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Welcome to the Home Page of Mission For The Urban Poor

Mission For The Urban Poor was formed on July 1st 1999 as a registered charitable trust with the Govt. of India. It is an non-profit organization dedicated to serve among the unfortunate people in need. It is an organization that serves among the poorest, needy and downtrodden in India.

A recent World Bank study has said that the poverty situation in India remains a matter of concern despite the fact that the country's growth since 1980 has been among the fastest in the world.

Social indicators for literacy, education enrollment, deceased and morality and gender have steadily improved and poverty has fallen since the mid-1970.

Still, the poverty situation remains a serious concern, as the poor still number over 300 million.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to identify the under privileged and marginalized young people, widows and destitute in their sufferings and struggles. Our mission is to free them from poverty and help them to be accepted by the society.